Regiatration of birth and death act
Ajaykumar Sanghavi
(Querist) 16 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
can the petition under Section 13(3) of the Reg. of birth and death act, to register the birth entry of the person who is not alive, is trainable by law?
(Expert) 17 December 2013
In Sec 13(3)" Any birth or marriage or death, as the case may be, which has not been registered within one year of its occurrence, shall be registered only on an order made by a Magistrate of the first class after verifying the correctness of the birth or marriage or death and on payment of the prescribed fee.
There is not mention that after the death of a person birth can be registered. So your query is Vague.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 17 December 2013
academic query