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New landlord charges excess rent and not issuing rent receipt

(Querist) 25 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I am living in a tenanted property where Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 1999 applies. This property is in my deceased grand father name. Four years ago, in 2009 the whole building was fully reconstructed by all tenants' money. Landlord did not contribute single penny in the construction. After six months of completion of construction landlord transferred the land-lordship to new landlord.
New landlord increased the rent more than as stated in Sec. 10 and even not issuing rent receipt in my father's name as per Sec. 31. All brothers and sister of my father have relinquished their interests and rights by gift deed which is duly notarized.
We have sent rent through India Post registered AD more than thrice to new landlord but same were refused and returned to us. A week ago, new landlord has sent us the notice through advocate to vacate the said property on false accusation of non payment of rent and sub letting and creation of third party interest which is untrue.
In response to it, I have sent copies of Registered ADs, gift deed and a cheque of rent as per old amount plus 5pc increase to the advocate of new landlord.
What are the legal remedies available in my case to protect our right to the said property?
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 25 December 2013
file a case before rent control act
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 December 2013
Contact a local lawyer and show him all the documents.

Previous registered AD letters need not opened back as the same would form a proof of sending the rent through Regd. AD post.

The legal notice sent to your name can be a proof that you are a tenant in the property and hence acknowledges your tenancy.
ajay sethi (Expert) 25 December 2013
move samll cause courts for necessary reliefs . gift deed has to be stamped and registered . if landlord not issuing rent receipts and refusing to take rent you can deposit rents in court .
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 25 December 2013
Apply for deposition of rent and determination of fair rent before the Rent Controller.
Moin Bora (Querist) 26 December 2013
Thank you Nadeemji, Rajendraji, Ajayji and Devajyotiji. I have regain hope from your helpful advices.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 26 December 2013
file rae suit
Moin Bora (Querist) 26 December 2013
Respect Sir Shroff, I did not understand rae meaning.

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