I need some education clarifications-requesting please provide
(Querist) 07 January 2014
This query is : Resolved
Hi Sir... Good Morning Sir... I am from Andhrapradesh...My Name Is Sairam.. I need some education clarifications, please provide sir,that is those who are working in govt sector as a contract employee will the eligible to study as a regular student in any course (Here My Query /Doubt is while Studying Regularly at the same time Doing Contract Job In Govt Sector ), those who are working in private sector as a private employee will the eligible to study as a regular student any course (Here My Query /Doubt is while Studying Regularly at the same time Doing Private Job In Private Sector )…
Ultimately My Query /Doubts are:
1) for above Quires is there any Problem in future for Job as well as Study if we show at the same time both Certificates.
2) will they Eligible for that Educational Qualification for Present Job as an additional Qualification (Why iam asking this one they are studied Regularly while they are Doing Contract Job In Govt/Pvt Sector),
3) will they Eligible to show both Certificates at the same time in the Future in any Sectors (Govt/Pvt),(Why iam asking this one they are studied regularly while they are Doing Contract Job in Govt/Pvt Sector),
ajay sethi
(Expert) 07 January 2014
how can you attend classes if you are doing regular course as you have a govt job . these days colleges insist on 75%attendance
(Querist) 07 January 2014
thanking you for your valuable reply Sir,,,
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