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Maharashtra state consumer commission

(Querist) 14 January 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Hon. Experts,
I filed an appeal in Hon. Maharashtra State Consumer Commission against the order of the Ld.District Consumer Forum, the Hon. Commission asked me to get a certificate from an architect for the carpet area of my flat.
I am appearing myself, I do not know the procedure and I would like to know the proforma/draft to be submitted at the time of submitting the architect's certificate.
I shall be thankful for the help offered.
Senior Citizen
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 14 January 2014
If you have the approved plan of the flat, you can produce that along with a memo of calculation, that will give the carpet area calculation.
ajay sethi (Expert) 14 January 2014
you must be having agreement of your flat . all agreements in maharshtra must compulsorily mention car pet area of flat . contact architect if called for by state commission
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 14 January 2014
There is no fixed proforma for this.
In any case, you can talk to the Commission staff and get a copy of such type of petition from other case record.
seniorcitizen (Querist) 14 January 2014
Thank you very much for prompt advice, let me explain: I have a registered agreement of the flat, but the actual measurement and the area stated in the agreement differ. I got a certificate of carpet area from the Municipal authorities, but the Hon. State Commission did not accept the Municipal certificate, and asked me to produce a certificate of an architect at the next hearing. I am arranging for the certificate of architect.
My query is how do I submit the certificate to the Hon. State Commission at the next hearing, do I simply hand over the certificate or do I have to file an affidavit with the certificate, also drawing their attention to other relevant points.
I am a lay man as far as the legal procedure is concerned.
Please offer help and oblige. Many many thanks in anticipation.
Senior Citizen
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 14 January 2014
You can submit with an enclosure mentioning court name, title of dispute, previous and next date of hearing, heading and contents in body.

Better get it checked before submission from the forum staff.

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