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(Querist) 11 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
I was working in a multinational company for +14 years. I was issued termination on 21 April 2008 on the reason that I had refused to accept deputation.

Till time I have not received provident fund, LTA amount and compensation amount.

Please advice me how to approach court for the justice and the attorney firm which are specialised in industrial law with reference to termination.

H. S. Thukral (Expert) 11 July 2008
What was your designation/nature of duties in the company. If you were not workman then Industrial Law shall not govern you. You can challenge your termination in civil law. If the employer had made certain allegations in the termination letter and the same had not been substantiated by giving youan opportunity to refute the same termiantion would be illegal. If you were terminated by a simple letter you can claim dmages for premature termination. If you donot want to agitate on termination, you ask the employer to send the withdrawal form of PF to RPF if your provident fund is maintained at Regional Provident Fund office. If it is Private Provident Fund ask your employer to release it. Simultaneously give notice for payment of other dues.

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