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SANTOSHSINGH.   09 March 2014 at 13:03

Anti dowry act

Some body had asked question about anti dowry act and it seems no body has replied.

After a short marriage with widow the girl left and filed cases for maintenance and 498 A.

Boy was induced with monetary offers so he fell in the trap.

Now can he claim action u/s 3 of Dowry act against the parents of the girl that he was offered dowry to get in marriage.

SANTOSHSINGH.   29 July 2013 at 10:17

Rti querry for notary.

I want to know whether a particular person is or was registered as NOTARYT.

Where I can sent RTI application for knowing such details.

SANTOSHSINGH.   10 April 2013 at 09:44

Witness summons for documents.

The plaintiff before closing the evidence applied for production of public documents form public authority which was rejected.

What is the remedy since documents are important for the case.

SANTOSHSINGH.   26 March 2013 at 15:07


Plaintiff has filed suit for permanent injunction.

1) Cross of plaintiff is over.

2) plaintiff do not want to examine any witness.

3) However some documents are needed to be submitted.

Now there are two options that is whether documents should be submitted before closing the evidence of the plaintiff or the documents should be submitted after evidence affidavit of the defendant has come.

And at that late stage documents submission by plaintiff will be allowed.

Anonymous   29 July 2011 at 11:44

Legal problems in cheque bounce cases.

Many people / experts presume that once a cheque is issued and bounced guilt is presumed and hence conviction.

However the law provides for protection to the accused since two important rights are given. ONE- right to rebut and TWO= legality of transaction.

We will give solutions to real cases of NI 138 but only for accused. Since if the safeguards provided are used properly it is easy to get out of any NI 138 case.

1)There is always mistake in sending notice by the holder of cheque. There are no of such mistakes which differ from case to case BUT MISTAKES ARE ALWAYS THERE.

2) There are mistakes in drafting the pleadings. Very few people have the knowledge and experience that pleadings can not be amended in criminal complaints.

3) Bank slips are presumed but if confronted in cross this it self is biggest barrier to any case to succeed.