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Explanation of Basics to a Court Case

(Querist) 24 January 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Que.1)Can any One Explain the Basics of Case: 1a)How they are Filed?

1b)Where they are Filed?

1c)what if Filed through a Lawyer and What if filed independently?

1d)Process of Registration and getting a number for the Case?

1e)How are and How many times the Summons are Served to respondent?

1f)Explain about Vakalatnama if going through a Lawyer?

1g)Understanding about Case Register at Court?

Thanks and Regards,
Uma Mahesh
Prakash Yedhula (Expert) 24 January 2010
The attached case management manual would throw you light on the entire aspect of judiciary and Constitution
Dadi Uma Mahesh (Querist) 03 March 2010
Thank you All!

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