Extra salary for working on off days
(Querist) 05 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
We work in a company and as per co. policy, people working in projects in off days - with the permission of reporting officer- are entitled to get one day extra salary for each extra days worked. However those who are working in headquarters are not entitled for this extra payment. We were regularly getting this extra payment for working in off days based on the recommendation of our unit head. There is no written order to individuals to work on off days. Recently one senior officer of Corporate office opined that our office is a head quarter for that particular work and advised to recover the extra payment that we received.
After getting the work done, can the senior officer recover the salary of extra work done on the basis of his interpretation of the circular. Our unit Head and other officers and employees are of the opinion that our unit is not a headquarter for this purpose.
Kindly give your opinion and reference of judgment in similar cases
ajay sethi
(Expert) 05 December 2012
is said policy in writing . ?it would depend upon interpretation of said circular after taking into account nature of work done by you as to whether work done by you is relating to projects or not .
make written reprsentation to head office against interpretation given by your senior officer . contact your legal department for interpretation of circular

(Expert) 05 December 2012
Can you suggest on what basis any of the experts would be able to know whether your office is headquarter or a field office without knowing the delegtion of assignment of tasks, duties and responsibilities of your office, which you have not mentioned anywhere in your query?
(Querist) 05 December 2012
This office is made for a new project and entire work is related to project only, however it is controlled by another major unit and corporate office.Even major contract and payments of major contracts are made through nearby major unit and is functioning on the direction of nearby major unit.
My query is after gettig the work done, can the company recover the amount from the employees

(Expert) 05 December 2012
You have still not mentioned in what sense "project is controlled" by another major unit. Making payment by another unit has no relevance, as any unit can be declared as the disbursing unit for the purpose of control of expenditure and flow of funds.
However, the contents of the sanction of project or any other vital document pertaining to the project, which would have specified the HQ of the project, can only provide you appropriate guidance on the question of HQ.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 05 December 2012
I do agree with the advice of Dhinga Sir.