Family Court Act
Querist :
(Querist) 18 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
My name is S.N. Raju, I am working in Family Court, Krishna District A.P., now I am also doing research in Divorce matters. some times I am giving numbers to the new petitions filed by Lawyers on behalf of the petitioners.
Some advocates are filing petitions under Hindu Adoption and maintenance Act praying maintenance and four or 5 years past maintenance, some times education expenses in case of daughters for marriage expenses, but there is no direct provision in H.A.M.A. Act or Family Court about other allowances stated above except monthly maintenance. So how the petitions are maintainable.
please inform me for your valuable suggestions.
Sir another question is that in which book are the articles on divorce matters published?
S.N. Raju,
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 18 November 2009
This is repeated quarry and due reply has already been given to you on yesterday also. Isn;t it sufficient??????