Father gave property to son in law
(Querist) 21 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Hi, I am the elder son of my father. I took personal loan and got my sister married. Now she has 3kids, and my father had gifted his plot of land(his own property brought,but from my salary) to my sister's husband without notifying me.
1. Can I as a son file a legal suit on this property or on my brother in law on any basis.
2. If I let go of this property, my father has ancestral agricultural property. Does my sister has right on it.can she claim it again.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 21 July 2016
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 21 July 2016
Repeated query
(Expert) 21 July 2016
Mr. Yuvjay,
Repeated query.
However, some mismatch in your story indicates as if yours is purely an academic query. The question arises, marriage of sister is arranged by loan, but the more expensive property can be purchased from your salary. There seems to be no logic.
However, if there is even a bit of reality in your story, it can be said, you made a major mistake to buy property out of your salary in your father's name.
So, why repent. He was free to dispose of the property in any manner he liked, which he did.
About ancestral property, you have not clarified to which generation of your forefathers the property relates. So, your query is faulty in itself.
P. Venu
(Expert) 21 July 2016
This is a family discord than a legal issue. Discuss with your father and settle the matter amicably.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 21 July 2016
Repeated thrice: