Filing of writ petition in chennai high court
(Querist) 23 October 2021
This query is : Resolved
Dear Colleagues/Seniors,
I had enrolled in Telangana Bar council and practicing Advocate in Telangana High Court.. Can the advocate get computer code in other Highcourt for filing cases or let me know the procedure for filing cases in other high courts
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 24 October 2021
Contact registry of Telangana High Court or seek advise of some local senior.
It is not a legal query for consideration and obligation by experts on this platform pan-India.
P. Venu
(Expert) 24 October 2021
Each High Court has its own rules and norms which could be accessed on its Website.
K Rajasekharan
(Expert) 24 October 2021
This query is a legal query, a perfect legal query, because the answer of which involves some law, rule or a regulation or even some Supreme Court judgement.
Even procedural matters are also legal in nature because no procedure in the country is independent of a law of the land including Indian Constitution.
An advocate has the right to practice anywhere in India including the Supreme Court. But in order to file a petition in a court other than in his mother state he/she needs to file it along with an advocate registered and ordinarily practising in that particular court.
However, in the high court of his mother state he can register his name and file his petitions himself, by following other rules of the high court.
The three crucial laws governing the practice of an advocate are the high court act & the rules, Advocate act & its rules, and the Bar Council regulations which have the status of a statute.
The issues similar to the one raised here have been subject matter of many apex court judgements in the past. One such judgement is there at
(Querist) 24 October 2021
Thank you very much to Rajasekharan Sir.. for your detailed information..
I disagreed with JC Vasista Sir..
(Querist) 24 October 2021
Hope this Platform will Guide to junior Adv Queries henceforth