Final settlement of PF
(Querist) 31 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
My friend retired recently(Govt.Company) and his PF was withheld for no reasons and subsequently they have arbitrarily adjusted some amount as dues(even though it is due by the person). My question is whether such deduction can be made when it can be adjusted in other payments like gratuity or leave encashment. What action can be taken against such person(Departmentally/Outside).
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 31 October 2009
No deduction of the pending dues can be made against PF accumulations which can be done against the payment of gratuity, leave encashment, bonus and so on. he action is illegal which can be challenged before civil court.
(Querist) 31 October 2009
Thank you sir. It is a fact that the retired person owe some amt. to the company, but instead of adjusting in the EL/Gratuity payment, they have purposely deducted in CPF. He doesn't want to go to Court, what is the other means to teach the Authority who has done injustice to him and he wants that it should be lesson so that he will not do for others.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 31 October 2009
Make representation to the company, if you dont want to approach the courts.