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Financial bullying by wife.

(Querist) 03 March 2022 This query is : Open 
I live in Pune, India. Got married in December 2021 in Delhi and moved in with my wife in Pune, 5 days after our marriage, as part of marital responsibilities I agreed to pay out 80% of my salary for expenditure while I have a educational loan, LIC payment & Parental responsibility as obligations, due to the obligations though I paid the said amount for two months but was short of money due to debt payoff, though i have agreed to pay 1/3th of my salary amounting to INR 20000, wife denies that and sought what we had agreed to pay i.e 80% of the salary, she has a business and takes INR 2 lacs/month. How much can I legally give her as she threatened to throw me out out the house and call police (we are staying in a place which she has rented out before marriage in Pune and refuses to stay with my parents). Please advice. Thanks and regards.
Adv Shailendra Deshpande (Expert) 04 March 2022
Try to resolve this matter amicable with help of family, friends or professional marriage counsellor. Legal battle will waste years and relationship of both of you.
SAURABH KUMAR SHARMA (Querist) 05 March 2022
Thanks a lot Sir, I have tried all means within the last 3 months of our marriage but there has been constant nagging from her side regarding my salary and my so called incompetency in not being able to earn as much as 99% people with same education my age earns. I have been constantly nagged about the situation as described above, let me describe the whole situation,

I live in Pune, India. Got married in December 2021 in Delhi and moved in with my wife in Pune, 5 days after our marriage, as part of marital responsibilities I agreed to pay out 80% of my salary for expenditure while I have a educational loan, LIC payment & Parental responsibility as obligations, due to the obligations though I paid the said amount for two months but was short of money due to debt payoff, though I have agreed to pay 1/3th of my salary amounting to INR 20000 (my salary is INR 55000 (in hand)), wife denies that and sought what we had agreed to pay i.e. 80% of the salary, she has a business and takes INR 2 lacs/month. With the obligations, I have not been able to sustain my own needs and if I continue paying her the 80% it would be tough for me to pay off my obligations, let alone even buy a new T-Shirt for me and I have not been able to book a flight ticket back home as after I pay her and my obligations I am left with just INR1500 or lesser every month. Also, she has said that she can't cut down on any spending or whatsoever and wants to pay 50-50 share if I want to stay with her or she would throw me out of the place as mentioned rented on her name (constant threat), I even paid the electricity and gas bill over the amount she asked, she threatened to throw me out out the house and call police (we are staying in a place which she has rented out before marriage in Pune and refuses to stay with my parents). Once she had also threatened to commit suicide over a video call by showing me to cut her wrist which I later on got to know that she had just acted out as she did not have any bandage or anything the very next day. As of present she moved out of India for one of her Diploma Courses in Dubai, she had paid for everything by herself. Now even after her course is over she is planning to stay back and apply for work in other country (I am not against that but we have not even spent a month together post marriage). There is constant nagging from her on me for not able to take care of her and her needs and that I earn less and she wanted someone who can take care of every needs of hers (she herself confessed over phone call that she seeks a man like that now) I am totally shattered by this. As a matter of fact I cant go back to my home as I ran away from home. My parents did make me come back and they managed to marry us. But with all the mental stigma overlooming I am mentally broken. I have started recording her calls now as she has a new way of nagging and threatening me everyday, I know this might be a criminal case against me for recording calls without her knowledge but after so much as explained above, I am scared she would put up false cases against me and my family, it has jolted me and I am just recording so that I can save myself if that can be permissible in court.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 06 March 2022
First, you have to give a complaint against her threatening in Police Station concerned. How did you agree to give her 80% of your salary to her when she asked. Your responsibility is to look after her needs but not more than your income. Consult a local lawyer and file a case if necessary.
SAURABH KUMAR SHARMA (Querist) 06 March 2022
@kavksatyanarayana Sir,
As has been suggested by you if I may ask if rather than filing an FIR or a case an Intimation report to the police through email is good enough, also if I have proof that she has been constantly nagging me can it be used in future if any wrongful act is done from her side. Also, as you said why did I agree, actually when I calculated my own needs I was happy enough thinking she would take care if someday I could not (Love if you may call), but that has become a noose on my neck.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 07 March 2022
You have to collect and record any proof against her. As per your statement, her thoughts are high more than you excepted and she is nagging you. You love her but at the same time, she responds at least something. So consult a local lawyer for better guidance.
SAURABH KUMAR SHARMA (Querist) 07 March 2022
Sir, I know that there are cases in which the recording of calls against the knowledge of a person has been quashed by the court as it holds against Right to Privacy and Evidence Act, while in my own studies I have found a few where the court has also allowed for as the same is deemed fir as per the Family Court act. While I am seeking help here to get a broader view as against consulting a single lawyer, which I will in case of necessity. And all the points I get to know, more than I have myself collected will be passed on to the lawyer I consult to. And as said I do not have any money or savings or anything to fund my lawyer (if needed), so as per section 32 of the Advocate's Act I might file for myself. I know many esteemed members here will be against it as it might be negative but I have no choice as I just have INR 2200 in my account, and left with no choice. Just seeking as much points I can.

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