fined by court create a problem in police verification ?
(Querist) 13 September 2015
This query is : Resolved
Sir, please help me fined by the court for fake witness in job case will create a problem or not in police verification for govrt. Job ?
How much fine is allowed or not?
(Querist) 13 September 2015
I have submitted a written statement in one case and made a mistake in one column . If the court calls me for witness then i can denied that column or not ? If i give the witness right in front of court then i will be fined by the court or not .
Say some suggestion that save me from fined by the court
(Querist) 13 September 2015
Sir plz help
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 13 September 2015
All the documents need to be referred, consult local lawyer and show him all documents.
(Expert) 13 September 2015
You have to tell the complete story. Simply the story in bits and pieces will be of no help to you as nobody here will be able to appreciate the facts fully and therefore will not be in a position to give appropriate reply to your query.

(Expert) 13 September 2015
Vague academic query.
For what you have asked, "how much fine is allowed or not, while you have not stated how much fine was imposed on you by the court?"
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 13 September 2015
Narrate full facts of the matter so that everyone can understand Or show all documents and facts on record to your lawyer.
(Querist) 14 September 2015
Sir, i was in post office department in 2008. When i was selected in the post office then my real aunt was the supdt. Of post office of the division where i was selected and also the member of the comittee of selection board . My aunt did not take too serious to this matter. But it is illegal that she was a member of selection comitee. Now a boys filed a case about the matter because he was the candidate which was at 11 position and the vacancies was 10. Now after getting summon by court to me in 2013 . I hire a lawyer and give all correct information except one and that is our relation (aunt& me). Now i resign from that job because selected in other central govt. Job in Income tax. Now i am worried that if i will be fined by the court because of hiding the fact(relation) in the written statement then i won't be able to get the govt. Job. Now plz tell me what is the solution of this problem so that i will be free from this case without fine and others.
Plz help.
(Querist) 14 September 2015
Sir plz help

(Expert) 14 September 2015
So, why you prefer to hide the fact about your relation with the recruitment committee member when you have already resigned from the department? Tell the truth to your lawyer, who would be able to protect you, as only he knows how to adjust the the position with reference to the petition or the affidavit filed for you. Otherwise, even if you are suggested anything, you won't be able to use any such information without the knowledge of your lawyer.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 14 September 2015
Discuss with your lawyer.
P. Venu
(Expert) 15 September 2015
"Now a boys filed a case". In which court? What is their prayer? Who are the respondents?
P. Venu
(Expert) 21 September 2015
It is surprising that there is no response from the queriest inspite of the personal message sent to him.
If the explanation to the main query is true, the case would have been filed in the CAT. It is not necessary for a private respondent respondent to file written statement or to contest the case; it is for the Department concerned to meet the pleadings and justify its actions.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 21 September 2015
The querist does not seem to be interested any more.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 21 September 2015
The author appears to be frightened due to exposure, so let him resolve the issue by his own source.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 18 February 2017
I have seen this thread very late.
Normally there should have been no need to reply.
However the issue may help many others to take guidance.
In this case the person has initially entered the job fraudulently. His aunt if still in job could have faced disciplinary action.
Forget about conviction (he is not clearly showing whether/where trial is) even without conviction his present job can be at peril as disciplinary action can lie against him by present deptt for lack of integrity shown during pat govt employment.

(Expert) 18 February 2017
Mr.Sudhir Kumar Are you Okay Please .You had already posted in this thread One year back Please.

(Expert) 18 February 2017
A vague and academic query would remain as vague only and cannot help anyone to take guidance, as contended by Mr. Sudhir Kumar, when the querist has nowhere discussed about his selection on which post, the nature of mistake he made against the column of which caption in written statement, to whom he gave written statement, who filed a case against whom, how he anticipated that he would be called as witness by the court & from which side, received appointment letter, and how police verification is still pending in his 2008 selection case even after 9 years of his selection. etc.
The query was vague from all respects.
Disciplinary case against his aunt is a separate issue on account of favourism, but still how she has been spared so far even after such a long time.