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Foreclosure related dispute with axis finance limited.

(Querist) 17 June 2023 This query is : Resolved 
The issue is related to Axis Finance Limited. I have been trying to post the question since yesterday but I am unable to do so. Every time it shows the same error "Thread Title or msg contains phone number". Please follow the link to get the question.
We seek expert's suggestion.

Link -
kavksatyanarayana Online (Expert) 17 June 2023
It is a technical problem only. You again try in the expert's column and ask a query. You mention in column "others" next step by step.
RAIHAN UL HAQUE (Querist) 17 June 2023
I have tried it sir. Even I have tried by writing the entire message differently but the result remains the same. But whenever I am writing the message as a reply, the system is accepting it.
kavksatyanarayana Online (Expert) 18 June 2023
Do it or ask in the forum column.

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