forfeiture of shares
(Querist) 22 September 2009
This query is : Resolved
is there any form to be filed in case of forfeiture by a pvt. company
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 22 September 2009
First provide complete facts and agreement executed then seek any advice. there is no set formula or form in this regard.riven
(Querist) 23 September 2009
I know that for seeking advice one has to provide full facts but what should i do when directors ask me just a question to find out the procedure generally and do not provide any details.
I am asking in general whether there is any form which is required to be filed in case of forfeiture and if yes in which conditionriven
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 23 September 2009
No specific answer is possible without any details.riven