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forwarding of job application for outside employment

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 August 2010 This query is : Resolved 
I am a Central Government Civilian Defence Employee, have completed my 5years service as LDC(Grade pay 1900/-). I had applied for higher (G.P.2400/-) post advertised (Employment News Advertisement Dated 17-23 July, 2010) through Staff Selection Commission. As per directives of DOPT OM letter mentioned in Swamy Book, I had directly applied to Staff Selection commission and had given intimation on same date to my Head of Office regarding this. My head of office has regretted my job application and intimated me in black and white and copy of same was forwarded to Commission without assigning any public interest behind it. Now SSC will not allow me to compete in this examination. I want to know (1) what are the options i have left to protest against this as my department has curbed my search of better employment even to other central government. (2) Can it be considered by Supreme court directly if this is the case of breach of my fundamental rights(Article 21&23). (3) Isn't it the violation of Human rights as rights related to life, liberty and dignity? (4) Why Government has empowered so highly the competent authority that prospects of bright candidates on open selection should invariably depend on forwarding of applications by the present employer to another Undertaking / Govt. Organization? Please help me with your reply so that i can sit for this and forthcoming examination advt. by SSC and PSC in near future. Regards
s.subramanian (Expert) 19 August 2010
you can approach the high court itself under art.226.
pawan sharma (Expert) 19 August 2010
yes, You can approach the Hon'bal High Court directly and made party that officer by name also.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 21 August 2010
Thankyou Sh. S.Subramanian Sir and Sh. Pawan Sharma Sir,
Thanks for your valuble suggestion.

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