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Furnishing the documents regarding the second marriage

(Querist) 30 May 2019 This query is : Resolved 
When I emailed ministry of home affairs for disclose 2nd marriage status in there records they replied back saying "requested to approach the Hon’ble Court to issue directions for furnishing the documents regarding the second marriage of your wife"

Please help me what can I file case in Hon’ble Court to issue directions for furnishing the documents regarding the second marriage of wife

Guest (Expert) 30 May 2019
Online status verification of Marital Status is suspended in Ministry Of Home Affairs other wise you could have easily verified in that.
Guest (Expert) 30 May 2019
Please Write to MHA requesting the details thro Right to Information Act affixing the necessary Court Fee Stamps and you would get the reply in 30 days
Surya kkkkk (Querist) 30 May 2019
Thanks for your reply sir.
I applied for rti ,they rejected saying 3rd party information
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 30 May 2019
Dear querist, are you divorced with your 1st wife through court? Did you register the 2nd marriage before the Registrar of Marriages by producing divorce decree?
Surya kkkkk (Querist) 30 May 2019
I did not do another marriage.
I suspect my wife did 2nd marriage and went to usa so I applied RTI to know her 2nd marritual status in passport
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2019
RTI application should not be rejected just like that. Registrations of Marriage should be treated as Public Information and it should not be treated as Confidential information when No secret lies there.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2019
Better serve a legal notice to the concerned authorities .And to the Superior Authorities to the Person who had signed the reply.
Guest (Expert) 31 May 2019
Status of Marriage could be easily verified Online also in the Registrar's Website. Approach and request the local Internet people to do this for you since more patience and time would be required for it.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 31 May 2019
If you do not receive required information from the PIO i.e. Registrar of Marriages, then file appeal to the District/Deputy Registrar of Marriages by RP.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 01 June 2019
what is the case?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 01 June 2019
is this the same case as discussed in
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2019
Rightly Pointed out by Expert Mr.Sudhir kumar which the Querist should respond please
Surya kkkkk (Querist) 01 June 2019
yes sir she is in usa and remarried but no proof and she also willing to go for mutual divorse but demanding money
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2019
If she had remarried with out Divorce it would be an offence and there would be No Question of settlement amount or maintenance unless and other wise any children had born to you.
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2019
If the marriage had taken place abroad the Indian Government web sites related to marriage will not serve your purpose
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2019
You should seek the help of Genuine Private Detective Agencies in India and her country where she is now to collect the Legally acceptable details of Evidence of her second marriage with out getting divorce from you. Ofcourse it would be expensive but would protect you Legally and would save you from making any settlement for divorce After getting the information you could file a suit for Divorce on the grounds of her Adultery basing on the evidence of second marriage the Court Orders would be in your favor with out ordering any payments and in fact you could sue on her for getting back the money you spent on the investigation about her second illegal marriage please.
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2019
You should thank Expert/ Mr.Sudhir Kumar who made you to disclose the real facts of your case.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 02 June 2019
Why do you repeat same query time and again?
If you are not satisfied with obligation of experts, FREE OF COST, you should have sought professional services, opinion and advise of a local prudent lawyer.
Guest (Expert) 02 June 2019
You could file a Divorce suit in the present place where you stay in India and serve Legal Notice to her.If the Summons were not served and if she doesn't attend the court hearing the case would be decided Ex Parte in your favor
Guest (Expert) 02 June 2019
We render only Honorary Service here and which should not be degraded as Free Service
Guest (Expert) 02 June 2019
Presently Adultery is not even a Crime obviously acceptable in India but it would be a Legally Valid Ground For Divorce
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 02 June 2019
Perfect;y analysed by Mr NJS Rajkumar.

without proof of second marriage (without divorce) you cannot use it as a ground for divorce. Though ground of desertion is available to you.

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