Gift deed
(Querist) 04 January 2014
This query is : Resolved
I have a plot jointly in my (Ketan) and my brother name (Rakesh).
ketan had gifted the plot to Rakesh
after some time Rakesh wanted to sell the plot and mr ketan wanted to purchase it can Rakesh give the plot in way of Gift deed.
pl suggest.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 04 January 2014
why did ketan gift his share in plot in first place to rakesh . is gift deed deed duly stamped and regd .
rakesh can execute gift deed if he so desires
(Querist) 04 January 2014
Dear Mr. Ajay,
briefing the matter
1.the plot was in joint name of Ketan and Rakesh.
2. later on plot gifted thru registered & stamped Gift deed was given by Ketan to his brother Rakesh. under family commitments.
3. after some time Rakesh has been shifted and left.... so he did not require the plot and was impossgible to take care of it NOW can he give the plot to brother thru registered gift.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 04 January 2014
yes he can do so . no bar