Gift deed of property in uttarpradesh
(Querist) 26 August 2013
This query is : Resolved
can a gift deed make in west bengal(kolkata) for the property in uttar pradesh? this is agricultural land property.
(Querist) 27 August 2013
sir is there any other way to transfer this property in my father name from is ancestral property which comes to my grand father names from his father. plz advice .my grand father have two son . but he want to give it to my father only. not two my uncle.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 27 August 2013
The old facility provided by s.30(2)has been omitted and deleted due to misuse by the state of Bihar,Gujarat,Haryana,Madhya Pradesh,Orissa,Rajasthan,Uttar Pradesh,and West Bengal.Hence any land of these states can not be registered at office of Presidency Town Registrars.
Advocate Ravinder
(Expert) 01 September 2013
As this is immovable property, it has to be registered in uttar pradesh only. The registration can be made either in local sub registrar office or district registrar office where the property is situated.