gifting/selling of UN-partitioned ppty
(Querist) 31 March 2009
This query is : Resolved
Im spinster &sr.citizen.in1964 we(2sisters}jntly. purchased ppty.{3600Sq Ft}in married sister died in1965;leaving behind 7small children.her hesband's name was mutated in her place in1971. he died in1982. children are grown-up now but reluctant to mutate &add names of all 7 heirs especially their sisters[2}.they{3}are running a hotel there since 1990. due to my service i was in mumbai till 2002.i have no physical possession of the ppty. 7/12 excract sill have my name alongwith brother-in-law's. Q.whether it is possible to GIFT/SELL the UNpartitioned ppty. kindly guide along with stampduty obligations.
(Expert) 01 April 2009
Yes you can
(Expert) 01 April 2009
property valuation and stamp duty can be obtained from the Sub Register Office
Shashikant V. Patil
(Expert) 02 April 2009
First get it partitioned the correct share and then lateron you can gift/sale the same.
Hiralal Das
(Expert) 04 April 2009
Yes. I agree with our members.