Gran daughters rights on gf & gm properrties, and rti act 2005
(Querist) 22 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
Gf=Grand Father, GM=Grand Mother
Dear legal experts,
I am married women aged 34 years. I Have filed a parttion suit in our 36 acers of land & sites praying court for 1/3 share in my grand mother & grand father properties.We are only two daughters no sons to my father.Now court has given us an injection order " stating that not to alienate the suit properties to any body " till disposal of the suit.Now my defenders ( my Father & sisters) are selling the site properties( more then 50 sites) to third parties by making a notary sale agreements.
My question is sir
1.These Notary lawyer will come under RTI Act 2005,so that i can collect sale agreements documents for further action.
2.I have a right on GF & GM properties or not.
Please i request you all expertsx replay me to win the case.
(Expert) 22 June 2012
1. When you got the stay from the court for maintaing the status quo I hope you have given a public notice and served a lis pendens notice to registrar.
2. Notary agreements are not registered, hence not public documents whose copies can be obtained through RTI - still defendants have by selling violated the court order - which might invite imprisonment and attachment of their seperate property u/o 39 R2A.
3. The Notary Agreement buyer's interest would depend on result of litgiation if you win they lose their interest too.
Feel free to talk !
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 23 June 2012
Repeated query.
Shonee Kapoor