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grand daughters rights on ancestral property

(Querist) 23 May 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Property given to grandmother X (mother's mother ) by her father. X has 4 daughters A, B, C and D. All are married. X gave B' s share. B has two daughters B1 and B2. Both are married. With the help of govt B built a house in that property. What are the rights on the property B1 and B2 have?
P. Venu (Expert) 24 May 2016
If this is a real time query, how you are connected with it?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 24 May 2016
Pls reply to points raised by Mr. Venu.

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asked a query in Experts grand daughters rights on ancestral property
asked a query in Experts Can son reclaim the ancestral property sold by father
replied to a query in Experts Can son reclaim the ancestral property sold by father
replied to a query in Experts Can son reclaim the ancestral property sold by father
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asked a query in Experts rights of minor son in ancestral property? Repeated Query
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asked a query in Experts Can son reclaim the ancestral property sold by father

Since you seem to have many issues you may engage an able counsel specializing in family/revenue/property/civil matters, with all docs on record that you have.
The counsel that examined all docs and inputs can advise you the best.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 May 2016
No reply if query repeated.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 28 May 2016
Properties inherited from mother, grandmother, uncle and even brother is not ancestral property.
The property acquired by B from X shall be X's own and absolute property in which neither B1 or B2 or anyone claim any right or share. This cannot be considered as an ancestral property hence b1 or b2 have no rights in it.

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