Gratuity ceiling from two diifferent dates psus

Querist :
(Querist) 22 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
Govt. of India while implementing VIth pay comission recommendations has raised the Gratuity ceiling limit from Rs.3.5 to RS.10 Lakhs for central Govt. & 69 PSU employees from 01.1.2006.
But for other central PSUs the same is from 1.1.2007 linking it to pay revision due date,instead of 1.1.2006. Thus the retirees 1.1.2006 to 31.12.2006 from these PSUs are loosing a huge amount to an extent of Rs.6.5 Lakhs. Gratuity being a scoial security bnefeit paid on retirement (for the services rendered while wage revision is applicablel for those in service) is intended to take care of retirement life.
Is giving such retirement benefit from two different dates (central Govt.& 69 PSUs from 1.1.2006 & other psus from 1.1.2007) will not amount to injustice for the latter and is it legally valid. What is the procedure to seek legal justice in this regard.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 22 October 2009
A policy matter if discriminatory in the same set of employees can be challenged before High Court but a benefit awarded from a particular date cannot be demanded on the ground that some other departments are also getting the demanded benefits from some particular date.