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harassment of senior citizen by son and daughter in law

(Querist) 16 July 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Respectd experts,

my father is over 60 years of age.and has several diseases like high B.P. ,diabetes,heart 2008 my elder brother got married,after mariage his wife startd fightng with my mother and father,due to this my father disownd my brother and his wife from my father's self earned property and my brothr startd livng on rent with his oct 2011 they came to our house to ask their share in property,after 2-3 days my mother got hospitalisd and died ,the cause of death was poison in pm we dint file any police cmplaint due to social oct 2012 my brother and his wife again planned to kill me and my father and attackd on us at nyt time with my brother's in laws..we got injurd and filed a case undr 452,323,147,427 etc..against my brothr,his wife and others..jst 2 days after my brother's father in law filed a 498a case against my brother,me and my father,though my brother is staying with his wife only..after 2 month my brothers wife filed a DV ACT case on my father and me..and one more fake case undr 156(3) accusng my father and me for sexualy harasment..all the cases are in court,it is clear they filed all the cases on me and my father after our FIR on them..i cant see my old aged ill father roaming here and there when he did nothng..jst our law has given a Brahmastra to daughter in laws to harass brother and her parents are usng this Brahmastra against us for the sake of property..she has demanded residnce order and an amount of 50 there any law in this country for senior citizens to avoid huge harassment by their son and daughter in law..when son and daughter cant look after their old aged parents so why should my brother's wife can claim over my father's hard earnd property..and only for the sake of money and property why our law has given so much legal options to harass them..when husband is living separatly with her why she is filing case undr Dv act,498a ..and askng maintainance etc...can we do legaly anythng on ground of my father's old age /senior citizen..against my brother and his wife.
aman (Querist) 16 July 2013
my brother's wife threatning us to take our case back and to gve property else she would get killed us with the help of her criminal brother..
ajay sethi (Expert) 16 July 2013
repeated query . facts seem familiar

your father can move Tribunal under maintenance of Senior citizen act and complain against son and daughter in law for harassment . obtain injunction against them . in respect of father self acquired property she has no right . let her claim accommodation from her husband
aman (Querist) 16 July 2013
dear sir, i jst explaind again because in previous quesy i dint ask abt law for senior citizens..can you plz elaborate where and how should my father approach for cmplaint..plz
ajay sethi (Expert) 16 July 2013
contact a local lawyer . in every city there is senior citizen tribunal . you have to file complaint in said tribunal
Adv. Chandrasekhar (Expert) 16 July 2013
If your father is really annoyed against them, he must execute a will depriving your brother, his wife and their children from acquiring the property and get the will registered in accordance with law and entrust it with an advocate to implement it after his death.
Next, if your mother has expired due to the poison administered by them, you should have not left the offenders to go scot free. Now also, on the basis of PM report, you can file complaint against them.
In respect of the DV case, sexual molestation case, S. 156(3) case, you engage a good advocate and fight the cases on the question of maintainability as well as on merits.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 16 July 2013
Agree with the expert ajay sethi ji and Adv. Chandrasekhar ji. Nothing more to add.
aman (Querist) 16 July 2013
thanx to all the respectd experts..

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