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Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 25 November 2009 This query is : Resolved 
good afternoon sir ,this is jiten from ahmedabad,actully sir i just completed my l.l.b in this year,i want to do practise in court, but you know i m very confuse that wheter i start in metro court or citi civil court? can you tell me which thing is right for me,thanks,have agreat day.
prakash vathore (Expert) 25 November 2009
hi, dear dont get confused if ur interested in criminal side then start with the metro court, but if u r interested in civil side then start with the civil court. but again if u want to become a good lawyer who knows the criminal side as well as the civil side the pls join the civil side. rest is depend on u my dear. dont worry, tk cr
Poonam Upadhyay pathak (Expert) 25 November 2009
hello, Prakash Vathore sir is guiding u properly. but its upto to u in which side u r interested. This is a problem which is faced by every new comers. Please dont worry. takecare
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 25 November 2009
Dear Jiten, Its all depend on you and your choice in which field you want to go. I will personaly suggest you to start your practice in lower courts under a good experienced civil lawyer.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 25 November 2009
First of all you learn what is the benefit in civil side and similarly in criminal side and then join. Why to be confused?
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 25 November 2009
thank you so much sir, now i m very cler about this thing,one more thing i would like to ask you that howmany years i have to do practise to become good lawyer ,actully i want to make my career as a judge, so can you give me a imporatant guidence regaring the same, thank you so much.
niranjan (Expert) 25 November 2009
Mr Jatin you had already put a querry about cj previously.My opinion would be that you should start with criminal in the beginning,but both fields require dedication.Pl.always refer the law before you proceed.You must be appearing for the exam.of cj on 17.1.good luck.
Poonam Upadhyay pathak (Expert) 25 November 2009
Its totally depend u, there is no time like so and so years. But if u have confidence in u, u can start practicing since from day 1. And for judge of high court u have to devote 10 years practice experience. And for the district judge, MM court judge there are various competitive exam held.

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