help help help please

Querist :
(Querist) 27 May 2011
This query is : Resolved
my dear friends,
i am in a great problem
i have completed LL.B,the fact is that i like a girl and want to marry her but the girls father is doubted about my earning in future as a lawyer,so i am willing to appear for JMFC exam and i want to become a judge,suggest me some giudelines{procedure} for becoming a judge as fast as possible,i also want to know the approx sallary of various judges and the various posts of judges in india.
please ur reply is must i am very depressed help me,
please try to answer all my questions please
(Expert) 28 May 2011
Depending upon the state to which you belong to, the earning of a JMFC is around Rs. 35,000/- the beginning. Study some questions papers of previous exams. Study some good judgments. Try to write some judgments. Attend court hearings, observe and study the procedure. Get syllabus of the exam and study the subjects seriously. Wish you all the best.
M/s. Y-not legal services
(Expert) 28 May 2011
Yes.. Just follow mr.palanitkar advise.. As a retired judge he is a deserve person for this advise..

Querist :
(Querist) 28 May 2011
Respected Sir,
Please Can U Suggest Me Some Books to refer,and i generally dont know the Syllabus of JMFC please help me through this it would help me a lot
(Expert) 29 May 2011
I dont know to which state you belong to. The state public service commission or other state agency authorised in that behalf makes the recruitment. The syllabus differs from State to State. But in general CPC, CrPC, Evidence, IPC, Contract Act, TP Act, Limitation Act,Specific Relief Act etc are important.

(Expert) 31 May 2011
Don't forget about functions and responsibilities of a judge and a public prosecutor, as well as the rights of a defend also along with acts