Help on IPC-279, 337 IMV 177,184,134B

Querist :
(Querist) 12 October 2010
This query is : Resolved
While I was going in my friend's xeta car, I crossed one cross road till half way because there was no traffice from my left side to right side but I stopped at half way because of too much traffic coming from my right side going to left side.
Suddenly with 5-10 seconds, one Govt. car ( fiat NE ) hit xeta at the right side behind back door (it was coming from my left side to right side).
when I looked at backside, I saw there are 3 persons coming out from the govt. car to hit me and I run away from the accident place, driving the car. I reached at my office and come to know that xeta's back bumper was separated. Thinking that it might be at the place of accident, I went back to search it.
Nobody was there at the place of accident except one person who informed me that govt. car driver has filed FIR against the car number (found from the bumper).
I went to police station and at the moment I informed that it was my friend's xeta car and I was driving it, he arrested me. I asked my friend and he given bail for me, and I came out of police station on next day.
In FIR, The govt. driver has mentioned that xeta car came from somewhere and did accident with govt. car and run away.
Police have mentioned IPC-279, 337 and IMV 177,184,134B. Also in FIR, that driver has not mentioned which bumper of my car is separated due to accident ( whether it is front or back bumper).
My friend's car's insurance is also expired last month, he has sold the car now. we have taken car photographs before selling.
My case is yet to be come on board, can anyone pls suggest, how to come out of this case. Without any reason I am in trouble now. I don't have any idea for legal proceedings.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 October 2010
It shall be appropriate to make written representation to senior police officers mentioning entire true facts with prayer to make an impartial enquiry and cancel FIR against your and file the same against the driver of Govt. Car involved in said accident. Even if your freind had sold his car but his name was appearing in Registration Certificate on the day of accident then he along-wit you is responsible to compensate the petitioners in MACT claim petition, if it is filed against both of you as the same was not insured on the day of accident.