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Hindu Marriages

(Querist) 07 June 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Why Hindu citizenz of India protest against the present law of dissolution of Hindu Marriages. Some easy procedure to be adopted by making necessary ammendments in the present law.
Do Hindu brothers think biganmy should be permissible, instead of illegal affairs?
A V Vishal (Expert) 07 June 2009
Dear Khaleel,

Is bigamy a solution to solve illicit & adulterous affairs, what if the person still continues illicit & adulterous affairs even after a bigamous marriage, will you then recommend polygamy. In my view the mindset of the people have to change not their values.
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 08 June 2009
I agree with the above opinions...

Our papulation already reached 110 crore without permission to bigamy in hindus.. Kindly think about more papulation..It is our national problem.
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 10 June 2009
Who is responsible for bigamy or the illicit relationship? My opinion is that the male, up to a level female and the society brought up this persons are performing there own role for this social evil. It is very much needed to make law strict and severe punishment. A woman who is knowingly or unknowingly enters into this type of relationship is due to ignorance, poverty or illiteracy and these deficiencies exploited by the male population. We know this social immorality exists among the ruled and rulers have and have not, able and disabled. What were its consequences? The child nurtured from this type of relationship possesses a different type of mental attitude and they are quiet different from the children who were brought up from socially and legally accepted relationship. This type of relationship is against Hindu culture and could not give legal jacket.
V.V.RAMDAS (Expert) 18 June 2009
Thakyou Uma, I realy appriciate your thought and the the line of your analysis. I do agree with your answer.

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