Hindu succession
Ajay Kumar
(Querist) 02 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
A a Hindu male dies leaving his widow,Father, mother, daughter and son. mother , widow, daughter and son share the property equally(each got 1/4 th share of properties of A). After some days A's mother died. Now A's only brother B claimed a 1/2 share of the 1/4th share of the mother. is his claim valid?
(on partition A's mother got 2 acres, now B claiming 1 acre land.)
(Expert) 02 September 2012
The property of a female Hindu dying intestate shall firstly devolve upon her sons and daughters (including the children of any predeceased son or daughter).
Therefore, in the fact situation, not only the son but also the children of the predeceased son (i.e. 'A's son and daughter).