Hindu succession act sec 6
Anupam Verma
(Querist) 10 December 2015
This query is : Resolved
Sir here my deep grievance is on Supreme Court latest decision on Hindu succession Amendment Act 2005. This decision is against whole female generation whom father died before 2005. This decision again is totally biased and not justify Constitutional gender equality and is in favor of males as it has been from centuries. Always all amendments and laws protects Males benefits still depriving from female rights in HUF properties. On 14/08/14 Bombay High Court first time gave full justice to all such suffering females who was deprived from their Rights due to all time Biased Legislation and Laws from 1956 and before. Its running 2015 and still all females as i m suffering not get my economical right on ancestral HUF properties.Here my humble request is Bombay H C 14/08/14 rulings must be enacted as soon as possible making amendment act 2015 having retroactive feature amending only one feature-before 14/08/14 sold properties saved and if girl is alive and property is alive on 2015 than female get absolute right on ancestral property.
This latest amendment will counter all discrepancies as concerned by Apex Court and by this in era of women empowerment and Constitutional gender equality Right a girl/daughter can get justice in true means. Kindly give your deep concern over this most awaiting issue and respond me what is possibility in this regard and should i file SLP or is there any SLP filed in this issue. Thanking you.
(Expert) 10 December 2015
An SLP was already filed in KARNATAKA HIGH COURT BUT WAS DISMISSED;SLP C(C) 6118 of 2012.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 10 December 2015
Discuss with an able lawyer practicing in SC.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 10 December 2015
Every decision of the court generally please one side disappoint other side.
Legislature has the right to amendment / make new law in case of need.
Anupam Verma
(Querist) 11 December 2015
sir first thanks for advice and secondly ur an expert and got the gravity of matter in better way and kindly can discuss wid any competent supreme court lawyerin this regard. as i dont know any SC lawyer in this club.and this matter is so serious for whole not only my personal.kindly help me sort out this.thanxs.
(Expert) 11 December 2015
This is UR 2nd uwww.lawyersclubindia.com/experts/SLP-Query-regarding-Supreme-Court