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Horizontal reservation

(Querist) 19 June 2024 This query is : Resolved 
Suppose in a recruitment, total 8 posts are notified and there break up is as follow
Oc-3, Sc-2, St 1,Pwd-1, Bc-1

Now my doubt is how many posts will be reserved for Women horizontally
If 3 post are reserved, then from which category the last one post of women will be filled because to the max we can accomodate 1 women in Oc and 1 in Sc

Pls reply
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 19 June 2024
Horizontal Reservation refers to the equal opportunity provided to categories of beneficiaries such as women, veterans, the transgender community, and individuals with disabilities, cutting through the vertical categories. The horizontal quota is applied separately to each vertical category, and not across the board.
For example, if women have 50% horizontal quota, then half of the selected candidates will have to necessarily be women in each vertical quota category i.e., half of all selected Scheduled Caste candidates will have to be women, half of the unreserved or general category will have to be women, and so on.
The Constitution of India does not expressly permit reservation for women in public employment. On the contrary, Article 16(2) prohibits discrimination in public employment on the ground of sex.
Therefore, women can, at best, be provided only horizontal and not vertical reservation on the basis of the Supreme Court’s pronouncement in the famous Indra Sawhney’s case (1992).
vijay kiran (Querist) 19 June 2024
Thanks for the clarification Sir!!!
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 19 June 2024
You are welcome for your understanding

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