How to apply for passport if school & birth certificate date different
Anoop James
(Querist) 05 October 2014
This query is : Resolved
I was born on 11th -January -1981 , in my School and degree certificate date of brith is 2nd –May-1982 and my all other documents like Voter ID Card , Pan Card , Aadhar Card , Driving Licence etc.. with actual date of birth (11-January-1981)..Right now I have Birth Certificate which is issued by Registrar of Births and Deaths by Grama Panchayat. I don’t have passport as of now. now can i apply for fresh passport with this birth certificate ? I need help from you please reply with best way to get passport quick.
Anoop James
(Expert) 05 October 2014
You know, you have two date of births - one in the birth certificate and other in the school/degree certificates.
The subsequent documents like Voter-ID Card, Pan Card, Aadhar Card, Driving Licence etc., were obtained by you, when you have become MAJOR.
Obviously, you have submitted your birth-certificate as proof in obtaining those documents. (WHY DID YOU NOT CONSULT ANYBODY BEFORE DECIDING WHICH DOCUMENT TO SUBMIT AS PROOF OF YOUR AGE WHILE OBTAINING THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS?)
Now, you have to tell, on what basis the date of birth in your school certificate has been recorded differently?
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 05 October 2014
passport authorities requires high school marksheet/certificate for birth proof.
Since, your high school marksheet/certificate is not contained correct date of birth, so you should rectify it before submitting to the passport authorities.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 06 October 2014
You should get corrected your educational certificates from the respective institutions which has issued the same by fulfilling the laid down procedure. If the institutions does not accede to your request, proceed / file case to get court orders.