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How to change the name in house tax receipt?

(Querist) 12 July 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I recently bought a house. The tax receipt was generated in old owner's name. how do I change it to my name as I am the current owner?
Someone said like I need to get a attestation letter from an advocate and also pay a court stamp. Please clarify what is that attestation letter.
Note: I have bought house on NOTARY. i don't have sale deed. I have agreement of sale, attested by advocate.

ajay sethi (Expert) 12 July 2013
agreement for sale has to be compulsorily registered . furnish copy of agreement to corporation along with covering letter and request for change in name on tax receipt .
Yeshwant (Querist) 12 July 2013
Actually, it is a notary land (not registered) and hence causing the problem.
By submitting copy of agreement of sale, will owner name can be changed in tax receipt.
Adv Archana Deshmukh (Expert) 12 July 2013
Not at all... an agreement to sell do not create any ownership rights. To become a legal owner, you need a sale your favor.
Advocate Ravinder (Expert) 12 July 2013
I agree with Archana and disagree with ajay sethi sir, Only sale deed is valid not agreement of sale. Attestation letter from Advocate is not necessary. In A.P. the procedure is like this. The appliction has to submit (1) Application form (2) xerox copies of latest sale deed (3) Link document (4) latest Municipal tax receipt (of previous owner) in the Municipal office for mutation.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 12 July 2013
When you do not have a registered sale deed
but only notarized agreement then you can not be treated owner and neither mutation in your name can take place nor the receipt of tax.

Better get a sale deed registered and then move for mutation.

You are without title and road ahead is very very bumpy if you choose to remain this way.
Advocate Ravinder (Expert) 12 July 2013
Prabakar sir, To my knowledge it is not of a good title, it might be some govt land or assigned land or FTL land etc. By referring the Notary and attestation letter of Advocate name we can understand the issue.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 13 July 2013
An agreement to sale do not give the right of ownership so first of get the registered sale deed executed in your name followed by mutation and only then claim as desired.
Yeshwant (Querist) 14 July 2013
Hi All,

Thanks for the valuable suggestions.

Yeshwant Gupta.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 18 July 2013
Most welcome from your side.

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