How to claim grand mother's property?
(Querist) 29 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
My grand mother has gifted her ancestral property to her two sons and a daughter. Actually my mother is her first daughter born in her first marriage and others mentioned previously are from second marriage.
1.My grand mother is still alive. Under what circumstance can my mother make a claim for equal share in the property when she is alive?
2.If grand mother was wrongly convinced by other three members, then can it be questioned after her expiry (whenever it happens)?
Please reply to above two queries.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 30 December 2013
Your grandmother can dispose of her self acquired property as she desired.
krishna mohan
(Expert) 30 December 2013
Gift is given as a token of love to the ones liked by. Gift also is not a vested right on any legal heir. However you may discuss with your grand ma to have a piece of share and she may give at her choice.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 30 December 2013
What about the property from the first marriage of your GM. Your mother has also a claim in that property.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 30 December 2013
What about the property from the first marriage of your GM. Your mother has also a claim in that property.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 30 December 2013
The property inherited by your grandmother out of her ancestral property or self acquired property or through succession or through settlement or through gift or any mode, it becomes her own property over which she has got absolute powers and rights to enjoy the same and dispose it the way and manner she desires it to be, nobody can question her action done during her life time, suppose she dies intestate then all her legal heirs including your mother will be entitled to a legitimate share in that property. Therefore your mother cannot claim any share in the property that was disposed by your grandmother in favor of her children born out of her second marriage through gift though deed the property acquired by her is ancestral property.
Pradeep MK
(Expert) 31 December 2013
Whether the gift deed is registered one.
What is the nature of property gifted i.e whether house land etc
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 01 January 2014
I wish happy new year to all members.