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How to claim Stredhan and maintenance from Deserted Husband?

(Querist) 14 February 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Que:1.How to claim Streedhan from Deserted Husband?

Que:2.How to Prove in the court that, I had given so and so amount and articles in terms of Dowry and Streedhan?

Que:3.Does a wife need to prove in the Court the income and assets of Husband to claim maintenance?

Que:3.Can a Husband shy away from giving maintenance saying he is unemployed, What would be court stand in such a situation?
kanhaiyalalojha (Expert) 14 February 2010
Ans:1.The wife have right and liberty to file claim of Streedhan from Deserted Husband.

Ans:2. the wife have to show the authentice prove in respect of the her article has given as terms of Streedhan ,dory is prohibuited.

Ans:3.Yes wife have to to prove in the Court the income and assets of Husband to acertain the maintenance amount.

Ans:4.Husband can not shy away from giving maintenance saying he is unemployed, court allow the maintenance.

K L Ojha.JHC- ADVocate-09431902920.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 14 February 2010
1. Police can recover such istreedhan if FIR under section 406 is filed or suit for recovery can be filed.

2. It depends upon case to case. Only facts of the case supported with strong documentary or oral evidence shall be required to prove such matters.

3. Yes. He can but court shall take its own course which includes sending such person in jail.
Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Expert) 14 February 2010
Expert Mr Makkad has presiselly given clear reply.

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