How to complaint on judge in india
k r s sarma
(Querist) 23 April 2015
This query is : Resolved
i had won in lower court, now in Addl District Courts, Kakinada. what found is every time judge give 4 months Hearing Date, initially our lawyer raised concern then for two times he did for month time. again now he give same way. i also told opponent party paying for that but i can not prove that. is there any way for this to accelerate. it is simple rental case. lower court already given but this court takes two years now. please suggest.
i attached case detail with this. regards

(Expert) 23 April 2015
Seems to be a vague query!
Anyway, when you admit, you cannot prove that opponent party paying for that, remember the saying, what cannot be cured must be endured. So, what will be the use of any complaint against the judge, when you will not be able to prove your allegation?
By the way, if according to your own statement, "it is simple rental case," what amount do you think the opponent party would have been paying to the judge to get the long date?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 23 April 2015
on account of heavy backlog of cases long dates are given by courts
k r s sarma
(Querist) 23 April 2015
sir, if i am able catch red handed, i no need to put query. in past same judge had allegations,around him many openly say that. it is unfortunate in India it looks vague allegations. i also file RTI for rental cases history for last two years. they are few he finish fast. after i got reply i will have strong case.
but my question if you see my message last two lines that is "is there any way for this to accelerate. it is simple rental case. lower court already given but this court takes two years now". please suggest.
about back log, if they are not able to close simple cases like rental for years then it will happen. i had asked lower court judge, others raised concerns for my ? that is on fist day what we submitted based on that and the law he refers say owner get benefit but he had given after one year nothing new he did in-between every time call put next date. judge laugh and said it present system.
(Expert) 23 April 2015
Don't waste UR time and money on such cases or complaints,which ultimately don't yield U any results.
(Expert) 23 April 2015
Don't misunderstand my statement. I don't deny that UR version is true for the agony U might have encountered for a petty rental case.

(Expert) 23 April 2015
Things are driven in the court on the basis of proof. Collect sufficient proof, if you believe that the judge receives something from your opponent.
Your main question was, "How to complaint on judge in india." However, about your unrelated query to your main question, "is there any way for this to accelerate," you have not stated, what your own lawyer has suggested you in reply to your question?
Not only that your description in the query if short of some basic facts, like what was the actual verdict of the lower court in the case you have already won and for what purpose the same is now under trial in Addl District Courts?
Please be aware, queries with lack of facts do not attract solutions.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 23 April 2015
Court may be over burdened with the cases. There would be no use of the complaint till you have concrete proof in your hand.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 24 April 2015
Anyway if you so persists then you can lOdge complaint with chief justice of the concerned high court with all the proofs.