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How to know about father left property after his death

(Querist) 13 October 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Sir, One of my lady client has married 21 years back & has no relation since 20 with her parents , sister & brothers, Now her father died without will, She wants her share with other legal heirs but she do not know how much his father made the property (movable or immovable) in his life time and what his father left at the time of his death , as she has no relation since last 20 years.
Sir, Pl. advice he how may she claim on fathers property?
ajay sethi (Expert) 13 October 2012
for 20 years she did not bother about her parents . after father death she wants share in his property .

let her get in touch with her mother and her brothers /sisters . find out if ftaher left behind any will .
Atul (Querist) 13 October 2012
Sir, Thanks for your comment "she did not bother about her parents, after father death she wants share in his property" without knowing what happened in her life by her parents & brothers /sister. Again very very thanks for resolving her problem in this manner.
Tajobsindia (Expert) 14 October 2012
In such case ask her to contact relatives / friends / office friends of late father for some leads / hints as to his wealth as directly contacting mother and siblings may not bring desired results.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 14 October 2012
A prob is the only way to ascertain what property is left by her father.

When she had no relation with siblings or with mother then other relatives or fathers' friend might be helpful in this regard.

Anyway it would be a tough job.Local bank branches may be visited to ascertain for a/cs.

Registration office may be visited to inspect what properties ,if any, was acquired during last 20 years by her father.

Revenue office may be visited to inquire what properties were in name of her father on his death.

Cash and other movables would not be possible to trace now in told circumstances.
ajay sethi (Expert) 14 October 2012
if your cleint can afford it ask her to take help of detective agency . it would yeild the desired reuslts
K.K.Ganguly (Expert) 14 October 2012
Under such circumstances, people take the services of detective agencies who are available in plenty & who send their agents to the spot & try to list out the immoveable properties left behind & the Bank Account No. of the deceased person.
Ms.Nirmala P.Rao (Expert) 15 October 2012
Dear Client,

She can apply for letter of Administration from the /District Court since her father has died without leaving a will and the succession ope4ned only now; and if really her late father had some property, she would be entitled to claim an equal share in that property, movable or immovable on par with other heirs.

Ms.Nirmala P.Rao
Legal Expert
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 17 June 2018
I stick to my above view

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