(Querist) 19 April 2017
This query is : Resolved
In dv case maintaince 3k for wife and 2k for rent in lower court In crpc case 4k for wife and e 2k for kid in family Court How much amount have to pay I.e 5k or 6k Ii is difficult to pay this amount and she ki s m.a b.ed but I m paying in installments( because pending amount is around 1lac)
Can I appeal in higher Court. But order passed one year back
Plz. guide ne Any appeal Amount I have to pay in both maintainaince
s. ganesan
(Expert) 19 April 2017
File a writ and get remedy as one measure panacea. otherwise get copy of orders and file the same in both cases for alteration of maintenance amount in both courts. one cannot be liable to pay maintenance in all cases or acts. it can be consolidated .
(Expert) 20 April 2017
Agreed with Mr.S.Ganesan
(Querist) 21 April 2017
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