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how to resolved a tendu leaves dispute ...

(Querist) 03 November 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Respected experts...
In the Aheri Tahsil, Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra The tendu leaves contractor is not making payment to the people though the job is over since 6 months. The complaint was made to the forest department but nothing is being done by the dept. They have made a complaint to police also but the police is saying that the matter is related to forest dept. The 6 thousond people are suffering with this problem but nobody hearing their greviances. Please suggest a legal solution as how to meet with their payments, from whom and how... please suggest with the statutory provisions. We will be so greateful to you...
P. Venu (Expert) 04 November 2013
The District Collector could be apprised of the matter. If necessary, a PIL could be filed in the High Court.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 04 November 2013
Take up with the distt collector and State Govt.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 04 November 2013
agree with experts.
Thyagarajan (Expert) 04 November 2013
No one can just go to forest and do some work employing laborers without Government clearance.
Get to know the details of employer and lodge a police complaint and follow up with RTI petition.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 04 November 2013
well advised by Experts. nothing to add
M V Gupta (Expert) 04 November 2013
The contractors engage the services of the tribals without any written agreements or anything in writing. As such approaching courts may not be of much help. Consider approaching ur local MLA and also write to the Tribal Welfare Ministry of the State Govt. This,in my view, should result in quick relief as the general elections are fast approaching and Political parties would be anxious to solve such public grievances of the tribals.
M V Gupta (Expert) 04 November 2013
The contractors engage the services of the tribals without any written agreements or anything in writing. As such approaching courts may not be of much help. Consider approaching ur local MLA and also write to the Tribal Welfare Ministry of the State Govt. This,in my view, should result in quick relief as the general elections are fast approaching and Political parties would be anxious to solve such public grievances of the tribals.
Thyagarajan (Expert) 04 November 2013
I agree with Expert Mr. M.V Guptha to an extent.Approaching courts and looking for a direction will be time lasting.
Local MLAs promises in election time are forgotten once they get elected.
Tribal Welfare Ministry is a Government organization.
Send a petition under RTI Act to concerned Public Information Officer giving facts affixing stamp of Rs 10.
You are bound to get a reply.
Consumer forums are giving relief to RTI petitioners for mental agony caused by PIO if he does not give information with in stipulated time of 30 days. No other courts can give.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 05 November 2013
I do agree with thyagrajan and Gupta.

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