How to start snek farming in india is legal in india
Shadow Master
(Querist) 25 February 2021
This query is : Resolved
I want the information about start buisness in snake farming an it's venom pls help.

(Expert) 25 February 2021
Snake Venom Farming are Illegal in India.. Exemptions could be obtained from State Forest Dept. Once the full permissions are obtained one can Extract the Venom. How ever Law do not allow keeping the reptiles for a long period. For example "Irula Snake Society " under Madras Crocodile Trust has Permission for Venom extraction but they can keep the Snakes in captivity for a month only and should release them in the Wild.

(Expert) 25 February 2021
There's an Exception in the State of Maharashtra where one can extract Venom indefinitely from the snakes that venture in to human habitats.It'd be how ever illegal to capture and bring Snakes in to human habitats.