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how to write a document other than legalised document writer license ?

(Querist) 30 December 2010 This query is : Resolved 
respected sir / madam ,
i have completed B.Tech IT . i wish to continue my dad's job as a legalised document writer . Government's call for document writer license exam is not sure. is there any way to do document writing ?

is it possible to get a degree in LAW and write document ? if so please , provide the details regarding courses that i have to learn to write documents .
yogesh (Expert) 30 December 2010
Even by doing LL.B you will not derve the knowledge of document writing which only required practise see the model form of documents In market various law books for layman are also there
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 30 December 2010
In AP in Sub Registrar Offices- Registration Act- there was practice to Licensed document Writers ! Now that practice is stopped any person / or/ the Vendor - Donor of the document can write the Document to the satisfaction and compliance the legal terms of the Document - for this as suggested by MR Yogesh it requires experience and exposure in the Filed of Drafting legal Documents !
Kirti Kar Tripathi (Expert) 30 December 2010
Same position in U.P. also as described by Mr. Rao. However, in case, you are an advocate, you are entitle for drafting of documents but I agree with Mr. Yogesh it requires experience and exposer in the field.

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