Hsg society share certificate mislaced
(Querist) 14 March 2015
This query is : Resolved
I purchased a flat from a lady ,the flat was registered on my name 3 yrs back,full and final payment was done and the possession letter was taken along with actual posession of the flat ,before transfer of flat i realised that share certificate is missing and the lady is holding the share certificate against me and asking for a randsom , the society says we cannot transfer the membership on your name and i am stuck ,please help me out of this situation
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 14 March 2015
File a case of cheating against the lady. You can file a suit for specific performance of contract as well.
(Querist) 14 March 2015
Thanks for your reply ,but just one thing She has given me all the required documents along with possession letter even the transfer form is signed and given to the society along with a letter from the lady saying that the share certificate is lost ,but it is on a plain paper and not affidivate now after 3 yrs the lady (may be instigated by society comitee members who want the flat)is come back and is ready to sign the affidivate but asking for more money