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husband changed religion

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 22 January 2010 This query is : Resolved 
i am wife deserted me one year ago.after that i changed to islam.and also practising the religion in the home.and also i changed my name and caste in all official records.i had married again in the second marriage valid?undr what sections ?what is the punishment?
A V Vishal (Expert) 22 January 2010
You can be prosecuted for bigamy under 494 IPC and further conversion of religion from hindu to islam does not absolve of criminal liability for bigamy.
N RAMESH. (Expert) 22 January 2010
It is not valid.
During the 1st marriage you were hindu and married according to rites.

Without getting legal divorce, your second marriage is not valid and you are liable to be prosecuted for the offence of bigamy by your 1st wife.
B K Raghavendra Rao (Expert) 22 January 2010

You are liable to punished for bigamy. You cannot change religion when a marriage under Hindu customs is subsisting. First divorce the married wife, change your religion and then may act in accordance with the mohammedan law.
prakash vathore (Expert) 22 January 2010
i agree with all the experts.
Arvind Singh Chauhan (Expert) 22 January 2010
I do agree with all above seniors.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 22 January 2010
No the second marriage is not valid, you can be prosecuted for bigamy.
Aniruddha.P.Pawse (Expert) 28 January 2010
It's seems to be a colourful conversion. you can be prosecuted for Bigamy under IPC

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