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Husband re-marry without divorce and ran away to america ?

(Querist) 14 December 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Husband re-married without divorcing to first wife and ran away to America on H1B1 visa with second wife.He left behind his first undivorced wife and a son without any mercy.
Now,what would be the punishment for him as per law?
Guest (Expert) 14 December 2017
Section 17 of Hindu Marriage Act cleary states having a second marriage with out legal divorce is punishable..Also IPC Sec 494 and Sec 495 would be applicable
Guest (Expert) 14 December 2017
Even the live in relationship could be treated as Adultery and under Sec 497 IPC it is punishable with imprisonment up to 5 years please.
Guest (Expert) 14 December 2017
Obviously he would have mentioned that lady as spouse in H1B1 visa and it would be a Solid Evidence.of Adultery
Guest (Expert) 14 December 2017
Once you decide you could watch him counting the Bars
Guest (Expert) 14 December 2017
Discuss with your Advocate
Guest (Expert) 14 December 2017
You have not clarified how you are concerned with the case.

Question arises, are you the undivorced wife?

Further, your question "Now,what would be the punishment for him as per law" is quite odd, as if you are competent to punish him and after knowing your powers, you would punish him.

Anyway, you have been provided with the desired tutorial by one expert. Now you can punish the fugitive husband with imprisonment, if you can.

Kavitha SG (Querist) 15 December 2017
Hello Experts...
Thank you for your replies...which is very knowledgeable...
Guest (Expert) 15 December 2017
Welcome Please ...................................
Guest (Expert) 15 December 2017
If you have his PassPort details you could file a complaint with concerned US Consulate which had issued the Visa for him for filing a forged application for visa stating a stranger as his wife.Certainly the consulate would initiate required action for it.
Guest (Expert) 15 December 2017
The complaints could be sent by mail also.
P. Venu (Expert) 15 December 2017
No action and trial for the offence is feasible unless the husband returns back to the country.
Guest (Expert) 15 December 2017
Filing False/Forged details in VISA application is an criminal offence and certainly the US Consulate would deal with it strictly..
Kavitha SG (Querist) 15 December 2017
Hello Sir,
Thank you for your valuable information.
Guest (Expert) 16 December 2017
welcome Please ............................................
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 18 December 2017
Well enriched with legal knowledge of one of the tutors without knowing your locus standie as rightly observed by expert Mr. Jigyasu, I endorse.
Guest (Expert) 18 December 2017
I endorse the views of Dr. JC Vashista. Advice or solution should be to the problem, not on any hypothetical situation.

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