If a house given on good faith to any of a relative
(Querist) 15 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
Few years back I have given one of my house to my relative on good faith for which I have not charged them any rent nor I have demanded or received any kind of compensation in that behalf.
I am aware to a order passes by Hon’ Supreme Court of India in a similar case about a year or two back, Can someone help to get the judgment copy of the same or details of the same case like case no. , parties name etc.?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 15 May 2013
search indian kanoon . com for judgements . issue relative notice to vacate . on failure to do so file suit for eviction
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 15 May 2013
file eviction suit in court to get premises
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 15 May 2013
You have not mentioned what do you want. If you want eviction then issue notice to that relative and withdraw your permission failing which file a civil suit for possession.