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If law of reversion applies

(Querist) 15 October 2022 This query is : Resolved 
I have a query I'm very confused about it. Hope you'll help me out
The question is
Can law of reversion applies on Mother's property when she had both son and daughter but son died before her and mother survived by daughter.
The case is like this:
Lady died and left her property but her son died before her even her husband too. Now she left only her daughter and her property. Now her Daughter is claiming for her property alone
Can her lady's brother claim property?
Under Muslim law
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 15 October 2022
Only the daughter has a right to the property of her mother. Brother's family either wife or children have no rights over the property.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 16 October 2022
Conceptually in real estate, reversion is defined as the right to resume possession or ownership of a property after a period of time has elapsed or certain events have occurred. The reversionary interest is often held by the original owner of the property and it takes effect upon the happening of a specified event.

None other than daughter is surviving in the instant case; then where is the question of reversion of property is involved.

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