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illegal enhancement of property tax for residencial building as against G.O.Ms.864 dt27-11-07

(Querist) 14 March 2008 This query is : Resolved 
tax is illegally enhanced for one house using the same for their own residential purpose, by stating in the sp.notice issued by municipal authorities that it is enhanced on basis o;f G.O.Ms.864 dt 26-11-07, but infact the perusal of the said G.o. is only applicable for commercially used buildings, for which representation is also made to the municipal commissioner to that effect bringing to their notice that enhancement is not applicable as the said building is used for residential purpose. And inspite of receiving and acknowloding the same, the mun.authorities are again and again issuing notices and forcing to pay the tax as per the enhancements. In this position what further steps to be taken to get justice.
Prakash Yedhula (Expert) 21 March 2008
You can either file an appeal before the authority if provided for other wise file a writ petition before the High Court and get the order quashed.
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 20 June 2008
you have to file a revison before the appropriate authority. once the revision is disposed off then only you can approach the civil court challenging the result of revision.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 06 May 2009
For enhancementof Proerty Tax the Spl Notice will be issued , against it the Proerty owner has to file objections and the objection will be hear and the Enhancement of Tax will be fianlised , Revision and appeal provisions are there.

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