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Illegally restraining by so called truck union president etc. from doing transport business

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 25 August 2011 This query is : Resolved 
I am doing Transport business and also having some trucks in my name,i used to hire trucks from another transporters adjoining to my city,but problem is this some criminal types persons poses themselves as president/designated of truck union are threatning me to stop my business or join their so called union,they further threatned that they will forcibly stop my trucks,police is not taking any action against them bcoz police is getting bribe/BEGAR from them.i have no sufficient means to move before Highcourt ,can i file any civil suit before Civil courts in my city for restraining them from threatning and their illegal acts.Kindly advice. Thanks
Jind transport co.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 25 August 2011
Yes. You can file civil suit against them but you also keep in mind that you are businessman and it shall increase enmity between you and those persons which ultimately harm your business. I think you should talk to them and should reach to some amicable solution to your problems. The fruits of legal action are not always sweet.
Kundan Kr. Singh (Expert) 25 August 2011
Mr.Anonyms As per law union president can not stop your business.Honesty is seprate thing and compromise the matter seprate thing .If you are ready to give bribe then join truck union unless figh dependce upon you. What you wants.Law is always wiyh you.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 25 August 2011
i agree with opinion expressed by Expert : raj kumar makkad ,at the same time i do not feel any thing wrong in opinion expressed by
Expert : Kundan Kr. Singh
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 25 August 2011
Thanx to all R/Experts

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