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Illegitimate Children

(Querist) 11 March 2010 This query is : Resolved 
Can any body provide the data of illegitimate children born in India religion wise, since polygamy has been baned?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 11 March 2010
No such official data is available in India as desired.
B K Raghavendra Rao (Expert) 11 March 2010
You are asking for the moon. Illegitimacy is a secret and shy-off affair of a man and a woman. Declaration about illegitimacy would not come forth publicly and as I know, no census is carried out for such a statistics.
Guest (Expert) 11 March 2010
i do agree with experts
Parthasarathi Loganathan (Expert) 17 March 2010
However, all disputes settled out of Paternity and Maternity tests can be published for statistical purpose. Then even Illegitimacy can be legitimized. There are many case laws to support my version

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